How to Be Perfect and Humble at the Same Time 1

A Reflection for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Universal Call to Holiness

This Sunday the Lord assigns us with a tough task: “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

Why such a tall order?

No one knows more than Saint Paul the Apostle how difficult it is to be a follower of Christ: shipwrecked, scourged, nearly stoned to death… the list goes on. What for? In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul reminds us of the answer: “You belong to Christ!” Made in the image and likeness of God, you are a Temple of the Holy Spirit. You, like everyone else, are called to be holy (1 Corinthians 16-23). More…

Christ’s Peace, the Antidote to the Pitfall of Presumption 3

"Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find peace for your soul."

Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find peace for your soul. (Image: Rembrandt, Head of Christ)

Today’s Gospel passage (Matt 11:25-30) is beautiful, refreshing, and reassuring. Jesus invites us to seek consolation from him, offers to share our burdens, and encourages us to follow and learn from him as a way to find true inner peace and happiness. More…

Keeping the Flame Alive 2

ElGrecoPentecostFor the past seven weeks we have kept the Easter Candle burning, lighting it every time we celebrated Mass.

The living flame of the Easter Candle reminded us that Christ is alive, that he rose from the dead just as the sun rises each morning to put an end to the darkness of the night. The tall, white candle with a burning flame on top reminded us of God’s faithfulness throughout all of history. More…

Loving Christ Means by Speaking Well of Others 10

During these Sundays of the Easter Season, the Church takes us back to the Last Supper, giving us a chance to dig deeper into its meaning.

Throughout his Last Supper discourse, Christ’s constant refrain is: if you love me, you will keep my commandment. That commandment is to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34), the commandment of Christian charity. More…

Identifying God Acting in Your Life Reply

footstepThe Apostles in the upper room, in this week’s Gospel (John 14:1-12), are having one of those awkward moments where they can’t see the work of God taking place right in front of them. This is awkward, because they’ve lived with Christ for the past three years, heard his words, seen his miracles, and even performed miracles in his name, and still, at this moment, they don’t see the Lord for who he is. We are like this sometimes. More…

On the Path of Life, through the Valley of Tears 4

Lord, You show us the path of Life

Lord, You show us the path of Life

Managing our expectations…

Just like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, we too become frustrated and discouraged when reality doesn’t measure up to our expectations.

This simple truth holds for all things, big and small, as when an unforeseen traffic jam threatens to make us late for an appointment. More…

Why Is Today Divine Mercy Sunday? 5

Pope John Paul II praying before an image of Jesus, the Divine Mercy

Pope John Paul II praying before an image of Jesus, the Divine Mercy

On April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized the Polish nun who had received from Christ the amazing revelations of the Divine Mercy in the early years of the twentieth century, Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska.

During that ceremony, the pope fulfilled one of the requests that Christ had made through those revelations: More…

Jesus Wept 2

When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.

We may wonder sometimes if Jesus knows our grief. We forget that he is just as human as we are. When Martha goes out to meet Jesus, she is meeting with a dear friend. Unsettled, with mixed thoughts and feelings, she tells the Lord, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.” It can sound almost as though she is reprimanding him. But her frankness over her frustration really shows how close she is to him, and him to her.  More…