Unintentionally Pro-Life Video? 6

World's largest water mosaic -- unintentionally pro-life?

World’s largest water mosaic — unintentionally pro-life?

“To raise awareness among the general public about the global clean water crisis, the artist Belo created an image composed of 66,000 cups of colored rainwater simulating levels of impurities found in water all over the planet. This major work of 3,600 square feet, representing a fetus in the maternal womb, emphasizes the necessity of water, even before birth, for each living person.” — from the Youtube video description


A Sobering Lesson Taught in this Powerful Pro-Life Video 8

“Think about this truth: If you’re an age where you have ever used the Internet as a teenager, you have survived the government approval of your murder…”

Before you continue reading, you need to watch this video. Keep watching it to the end for the sobering truth that will astound you.

[Spoiler Alert] The narrator in this video was fortunate to have this chance to speak. He and his peers More…

Top Pro-Life Stories, Photos, Tweets, and Videos This Week 5

Signs of Life at the Capital

Signs of Life at the Capital

There has been a lot of discussion in the news this week over the success of the March for Life in DC and on who is winning the cultural debate on abortion. If you still have any doubts about this, you probably were not at the March for Life, but you can still see the results for yourself: here are some of the Best Pictures taken at the March for Life.
