What Does the Hog Say? 4

Guess what day tomorrow is...

Guess what day tomorrow is…

Tomorrow, February 2, as many as 30,000 pilgrims will converge on a small hill in a town whose name they can’t even pronounce (Punxsutawney, PA), to consult a small furry oracle named Phil, on what to expect from the weather for the next 6 weeks.

Punxsutawney Phil, the legendary groundhog, has gotten it right 100% of the time, according to More…

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish! 19

Mimosa Sunset on the Long Island Sound

Hello, everybody! I Just got back yesterday from a getaway in Greenport, Long Island (which explains the recent reblogs and Scoop.it postings w/o any additional comments or reflections from Yours Truly).

During this brief respit, I was able to absorb the beauty of nature and disengage from intellectual pursuits for a while. Well… not entirely. More…

Sacred White Buffalo Slaughtered! Reply

On Biltrices and Buffalos: No Bull about it, this really happened

Okay… this is not the type of thing we ordinarily see on Biltrix. Then again, what is a biltrix? Not the type of thing we see, hear, or read about every day. Sorry guys! I couldn’t resist sharing this one… (I have a soft spot in my heart for animals, particularly, canines and bovines, if you haven’t noticed…)

Here’s an except. The full article details Homeland Security’s investigation of the case and a $5,000 reward More…

Steve Jobs and the New Evangelization 2

Note: I’m a little under the weather these days, so, as you can see I’m doing a lot of reposting — articles of interest. I hope you find them useful.

See on Scoop.itBiltrixBoard

Fr. C. J. McCloskey suggests that, although Steve Jobs was no saint, we have a lot to learn from the example of his bold and productive life. More…