The New Creation, an Easter Meditation Reply

The new creation sharpened 11X14 with copy right

Alison Batley Stone, “The New Creation,” collagraph and intaglio print

“The New Creation,” a collagraph and intaglio print, is a meditation on the whole of salvation history, which we are called to reflect upon at Easter. The six days of creation are illustrated in a womb like structure surrounding the central figures. In the Genesis narrative, the Tree of Life was placed in the center of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve had open access to this vital fruit. Instead, they chose to partake of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, bringing about their expulsion and death. Man and woman became trapped within this spoiled produce, losing their communion with God, themselves, each other, and all of creation. More…

“I Thirst”… “I Pour” 2

"We are only pencils in the hand of God." -- Mother Theresa

“I Thirst…”

By Alison Batley

“We are only pencils in the hand of God.” — Mother Theresa

In one my favorite books, The Reed of God, Carol Houslander asks each of us to discover what kind of empty form has God shaped us to be?

In reflecting on our Lady’s virginal emptiness, Houslander invites us to and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to each one of us the purpose for which we were made. Energized by this challenge, I push through my fear and started asking God to show me the form of my purposeful emptiness. More…

Our Lady of Light: The Luminous Mysteries 4

Our Lady of LIght

Our Lady of Light

Saint John Paul II, the Great — if he weren’t the so humble — could boast more major accomplishments than any world leader of 20th Century, and arguably, more than any person over the past 20 centuries.

Having visited 125 countries during his pontificate, he traveled to more places than all of his predecessors and successors combined. Fluent in 13 languages, he could address the crowds with cheerful candor in their mother tongue. While the media speculated the waning effects of his mass appeal, More…

The Tree of Life: Art, Salvation History, and the New Evangelization 2

The Tree of Life, Alison Batley Stone, Intaglio Print, 2014

This Tree of Life, intaglio print, is a meditation on the whole of salvation history. In the Genesis narrative, the Tree of Life was placed in the center of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve had open access to this vital fruit. Instead, they chose to partake of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, bringing about their expulsion and death. More…

Reflections on Confession and Rembrandt’s “Return of the Prodigal Son” 20

By Fr Jason Smith

A few weeks back I was hearing confessions in an old, cold, and rather uncomfortable confessional, the kind that our forefathers once used with a screen and two wooden doors, one on either side, so that the priest can slide them closed and the person on the right can’t hear what the person on the left is saying, or vice versa. More…

The Penitent Magdalene and True Conversion of Heart 4

By Fr Jason Smith

I have found no better representation of conversion and penance in art than The Penitent Magdalene, by George de la Tour. Though simple, it expresses the essential elements behind every conversion, and we can find in it powerful lessons to apply to our own life. Let’s take a closer look.

The Penitent Magdalen, George de la Tour


The Forgotten Sign, Because Humility Just Isn’t on Our Agenda 12

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother’s keeper?

When I give tours at the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York, I like to stop by this paining and not say a word. Eventually, someone asks, “What’s this painting about?”

Most people do not see what’s going at first or even second glance. Surprisingly, some people never see it until you tell them the title of the painting, and even then, some still don’t see what is going on.  More…

Do You Know the Immaculate Conception? 6

Exhibit A

Exhibit A

In honor of the Immaculate Conception

For today’s solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I decided to issue a challenge. Two challenges, actually. The first challenge is…

Can you identify which one of these depictions of the Immaculate Conception was painted by Murillo?  More…

Christ’s Transfiguration: Depending on God in Turbulent Times 9

Blaise Pascal once wrote:

“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.”

The picture above, taken from the bottom portion of Rafael’s Transfiguration,could stand on its own as separate painting. As a composition, it appears to be complete. Yet even to the viewing eye,  it certainly lacks something. By itself, its meaning is not clear. More…