An Evening With the Cardinal at the Al Smith Dinner (Not So Grievously Bad) 13

I was going to write my post on the North American Martyrs today (and I probably still will later on… but you know how I am about keeping those sorts of promises), until last night when a friend asked me to share my thoughts on Cardinal Dolan’s inviting President Obama to the Al Smith dinner.

Since this is a touchy subject for many people, I hesitated to write on the topic. I changed my mind, mostly because I could not think of a good way to answer my friend in 140 characters or less (so you can imagine what social format we were using). And now that it’s all over and done with, I think there are a few good points we can take away from it. More…

Mitt Romney to Join the Gaffers’ Club 10

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” — Abraham Lincoln

If I were to make a list of all the reasons why I should never — ever — even think about running for political office, the very first thing I would jot down is my propensity for sticking my foot in it.  More…

Support for Cardinal Dolan 9

There are times when men and women of faith have to make difficult decisions and take actions, which may seem controversial, in the public square as a sign of Christian civility and good will.  Much of the recent criticism Cardinal Dolan has received in light of his decision to invite President Obama to the Al Smith dinner was not done with good intention or in a spirit of good will.  More…

“The Reproductive Life of Julia” | Jill Stanek Reply

[See on Scoop.itBiltrixBoard and]

Must Read! Must Share!!! Jill Stanek utterly dissects the fallacies of Obama’s appeal to women voters, and shows why they should be insulted by this type of proposal.

Starting here… –>

Last week the Obama campaign unveiled a slideshow entitled, “The Life of Julia,” which was intended to show how much Obama, via the American taxpayer, has done and plans to do for women.

An honest feminist would be insulted by “The Life of Julia,” because…

See on

Does Freedom of Religion = Freedom of Worship? 1

7 Recent Attacks on Religious Freedom by Government in the United States

Excerpt from an insightful article from the Christian Post:

Freedom of religion encompasses many beliefs and actions, obviously including worship. But this rhetorical shift of limiting freedom of religion to only worship embodies a dangerous ideology that is shared by the current administration. Ironically, the former Soviet Union – a self described atheistic country – allowed “freedom of worship” but not “freedom of religion.” More…