Married to the Church Reply

Something in me wants to pick up writing/blogging again. Waiting for the bug to bite, maybe a little inspiration from friends. Speaking of friends, here’s a post from a friend of mine — Hi Rob! — a fellow volunteer with me at our parish RCIA for the last 5 years. He’s got quite a story…

73 Books Blog

Jesus the Bridegroom is an excellent book by Brant Pitre that does a great job of bringing to light the bigger picture of salvation history through the lens of a courtship and marriage of God to his people. Drawing from the continual references throughout the bible to marriage, Brant opens up the world of the Jewish people in a way that most Christians of today have never considered. By connecting ourselves to this world we become more enlightened and familiar with the customs and practices, and find ourselves understanding the words and actions of Jesus more clearly.

While pondering these thoughts and reflecting on my own personal experiences, I began to form a slightly different analogy that I’d like to share. As I considered the idea of courtship and marriage to God and His Church, I started to draw parallels between my Protestant days and my Catholic conversion and how…

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What Can Theology of the Body Do for You? 2

Fr Martin Connor

The damage being done through the sexualization of our culture is devastating and Theology of the Body offers a solid foundation to begin the necessary healing in each of us and in our relationships.

This year in which John Paul II was canonized we should desire go deeper in this teaching and also learn more about the healing that needs to take place in us as a family and in the culture we aspire to evangelize. More…

The Last Generation? 8

By Fr Joseph Tham, LC

The month of May has begun, the smell of spring is in the air, and it is a month that motherhood is celebrated all over the word.  For Catholics, it is also the month we celebrate the maternal closeness of Mary.  It is therefore a strange contrast with some recent comments that surfaced about the irrationality of having children. More…

“Unbearable Beauty”: Your Upcoming Resurrection Reply

“How important it is to remember that in celebrating Our Lord’s Resurrection we are celebrating our own! ” Br Eric Wandrey is a seminarian studying in Rome, who shares his inspirations on his path toward the priesthood.



In his book, The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis recounts a fictional visit to heaven. During his tour of paradise, he encounters numerous holy men and women, but one in particular leaves a deep impression. He meets a spectacularly clothed woman and is absolutely entranced by “the unbearable beauty of her face.” Impressed by her appearance and by the large entourage of angels and saints who accompany her, Lewis asks his guide if she had been a woman of particular importance on earth. It turns out that by worldly standards she was just a simple old lady named Sarah Smith. But the guide goes on to explain that “fame in this country and fame on Earth are two quite different things.”

Sarah Smith may not have been a celebrity, but she spent her life doing good for others – she spent her life loving: “Every young man or boy that met…

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Catholics and Contraception 4

Fr Jose LaBoy

Fr Jose LaBoy

In the confessional and when dealing with married couples I find mainly two attitudes in Catholics who use contraceptives. One is that of weakness, there is knowledge of the evil of contraception, but the circumstances of life become a justification for using contraceptives in order to avoid pregnancy. Another attitude is to think that it is not intrinsically evil. Some think it is wrong but not a grave sin, others don’t think it is wrong at all. More…

Why Should I Confess My Sins to a Priest? 15

It is the season of conversion. If you need a little push, turn to the sacraments, because that is what they are for. In the sacrament of confession Christ himself forgives and gives the grace to continue our Lenten pilgrimage with courage, hope, and joy.


Have you ever asked or been asked,”Why should I confess my sins to someone else, If I can just confess them to God directly?”

Of course, you can confess your sins to God anytime you want. And God forgives you if you are truly sorry.

When you confess your sins to a priest, however, you are not just telling some guy what you did wrong. In order to understand why confessing your sins to a priest is different (and important), you need to exercise your faith in the teaching of the Church.

The following video explains this clearly and effectively:

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Lenten Simplicity 4

Lent is a privileged time to simplify our lives.

Taken this morning in the sacristy of the Sisters of Life.

Taken this morning in the sacristy of the Sisters of Life.

There is so much coming at us daily, both good and bad, much like the dragnet that is cast into the sea and pulls in fish of all kinds. What is good needs to be cherished; what is bad needs to be set aside. Fasting and Lenten sacrifices purify us so we can live more fully what is good, noble, just, pure, and worthy of praise.

Icons for Lent 1

Are you thinking of a way to strengthen your prayer and devotion to Christ during Lent? Consider praying with icons. Here are some suggestions and examples to give you an idea of how to use icons for Christian prayer during Lent.


Lent is almost here.  I have set up my “beautiful corner” for the prayers and images for the season.   I find myself drawn to certain of my icons during Lent, and create a home altar to contemplate and prepare my soul for the celebration of the Resurrection of our Savior.

One prays not “to” icons, but “with” them, and in the presence of the person depicted.  An icon represents someone in particular, and we are in their presence of and in communion with the saints and God as we pray.  Having the imags in front of me keeps me focussed and cognizant of this, of God’s presence with me every day, of the entire communion of saints praying with me.

I used 3 icons for my Lenten altar:  the first is an image called “Extreme Humility”.  The model for this icon is Serbian.

Jesus is shown with a part…

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Did Arizona’s Proposed Religious Freedom Bill Overstep Its Bounds? 6

If I were invited to a gay wedding, I would have to decline the invitation.

I know a lot of people will take issue with me for that, say I hate gays (which isn’t true), call me a narrow-minded bigot or something worse. That’s all sticks and stones… I’m just glad I’m not a photographer, wedding cake baker, or a florist.  More…