The Sunshine Award – Thanks, Friends! 24

My photoblogger friends at The Urban-Wildlife Interface, Ferndale, Arkansas, recently nominated Biltrix for the Sunshine Award. Thank You!

We really mean to say we’re honored, because if anyone deserves this award, it’s The Interface. For your bright outdoorsy pictures, year round, and always uplifting words to accompany it, Interface, this is for you: More…

Biltrix Discovers “puzzling” New Planet and Is Nominated for Most Influential Blogger Award 29

We’re calling it Planet Biltrix and we will be offering Space Shuttle tours starting Wednesday, once gravity is installed. More details later.

But first…

Thank you Teresa at Catholibertarian

Thank you Teresa at Catholibertarian

Thank you Teresa at Catholiberarian for nominating Biltrix for the Most Influential Blogger Award!

And now for… More…

5 Stars! Thank You! 24

Thanks to three Super-Bloggers, 8 Kids and a Business, The Rainey View, and 1 Catholic Salmon, who each nominated Biltrix for the Blog of the Year Award, we’ve now achieved 5-Star-Status!

Blog of the Year Award 5 star jpeg

Biltrix humbly and sincerely thanks all three of you, and all of you bloggers, readers, commenters — you all mean very much to us. More…

5 (out of 6) Worthy Considerations about What It’s All About 18

It really is all about this.

No I did not prepare this bird or take this picture, but nothing inspires me like a food challenge. I’M DOIN’ IT!!! I’ll keep you posted on the results as the story unfolds — pictures included.

Seriously, this really is what it’s all about.

You see, when you were young, and your mind was an open book, you were told the ‘Hokey Pokey’ — that’s what it’s all about. Well, now you know. It’s not. Thanksgiving turkey wrapped in bacon — that’s what it’s all about! More…

My Thoughts on Meatless Fridays (Award) 15

USCCB President Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York delivered another stellar address at the USCCB General Assembly Fall meeting yesterday (November 12, 2012), where he introduced (among several other things) the idea of meatless Fridays throughout the year (not just during lent).

The work of our Conference during the coming year includes reflections on re-embracing Friday as a particular day of penance, including the possible re-institution of abstinence on all Fridays of the year, not just during Lent. More…

Clark Kent quits his job at the Daily Planet to become a blogger! 15

That was not a joke. You can read all about Super-Blogger here, and then ask yourself, does he really have what it takes to be a Super Blogger? I’ll have more to say about that later.

But first, the real reason I called this meeting today: It’s the Super-Blog-A-Thon!



Thought Provoking Blogs 16

Have you ever noticed how awards are kind of like socks? They always seem to come in pairs. That is, until the socks come out of the dryer, and then the analogy breaks down quicker than a Fiat on a familly roadtrip.

Speaking of provoking thoughts, Gracie’s Quest has nominated Biltrix for another coveted award.

Thank you Gracie!
