Thought Provoking Blogs 16

Have you ever noticed how awards are kind of like socks? They always seem to come in pairs. That is, until the socks come out of the dryer, and then the analogy breaks down quicker than a Fiat on a familly roadtrip.

Speaking of provoking thoughts, Gracie’s Quest has nominated Biltrix for another coveted award.

Thank you Gracie!

We are humbled and honored, to say the least, that Gracie has considered us for this award, seeing how her’s is quite the blog and most provocative in the most thoughtful of ways. For what can be more thought provoking that the Word of God? Gracie’s Quest truly is a “life in search of Christ” — that is, a quest for unfathomable meaning and truth through scriptural study and prayerful reflection. Thank you, Gracie for sharing God’s Word with us and continually enkindling our hearts on the blogosphere with your spiritual insights from Sacred Scripture.

Here are the award rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog
  2. Thank the one who nominated you and link back to their blog
  3. Nominate 7-12 other bloggers you admire and enjoy!
  4. Share 7 things about yourself
  5. Inform each person that you have nominated them

Biltrix would like to nominate the following 12 thought provoking WordPress bloggers that have been a great inspiriation for us.

  1. Reinkat Deep spiritual insights through art and life
  2. Water My Flowers Lord Spiritual richness rooted in liturgical reflection and life experience
  3. Catholic Libertarian Showing how both Catholic and libertarian beliefs are compatible
  4. The Peanut Gallery “My View of Life from the Cheap Seats” — quite the provocateur (also has frequent scriptural reflections)
  5. Two Heads Simply provocative and always thoughtful (often scriptural)
  6. Citizen Tom Relevant issues that everyone needs to think about nowadays
  7. 8 Kids and a Business What more needs to be said — insightful and thought provoking
  8. The Interface An array of thought provoking photography with some additional thoughts to back them up
  9. Truth and Tollerance This guy really thinks, makes you think, and likes (actually loves) to provoke
  10. 1 Catholic Salmon Not just swimming up stream, but sticking it to the secular tide, and winning the race
  11. Armchair Apologist Don’t let the armchair fool you; he’s always got his thinking cap on
  12. Foraging Squirrel She has certainly caused me to think, and rethink, and think again… more than twice

7 things about us (because there are more than one of us, so we can get away with that (ha! ha! ha!…))

Some may have been wondering about the presence or absence of our 4 contributers this summer. This post affords us with a good occasion to fill you in.

  1. Fr Jose LaBoy is going to Brazil to teach theology to diocesan seminarians. He’s just waiting on his visa and then he’ll be off to samba-land. We are expecting him to contiue with his weekly contributions to Biltrix once he gets settled in. Enjoy the beach, Fr Jose.
  2. Fr Jason Smith spent his summer as a chaplain in a young men’s formation course. The men he worked with are giving a year of their lives to serve the Church.
  3. Fr Joseph Tham is our globe trotter. He spends 1/3 of the year in Europe, 1/3 of the year in North America, 1/3 of the year in Asia, and the other 1/3 of the year flying from place to place. He just spent the summer in Taiwan and is now in Rome preparing his bioethics courses for this semester at Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum.
  4. James Stone is taking a sabatical from teaching philosophy this year. He is volunteering in launching a new evangelization project in New York as the Catecetical Director. More details soon to come…
  5. Fr Jose is more interesting than the world’s most interesting man.
  6. Fr Jason has a story to tell about the time he stole Pope Benedict’s ring. True story! We’ll let him tell it.
  7. James has a penchant for posting irrelevant videos:

But there’s always method to his madness.

Friends, onward with the blogging! We will be picking up the pace here on Biltrix and probably bringing in some new writers very soon. In the meantime here’s a deeply provocative thought about His Thoughts


“The thoughts of his heart stand from generation to generation: that he might deliver their souls from death, and nourish them in times of famine. Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praising befits those who are upright.” — Psalm 32


  1. Thanks for awarding Truth and Tolerance. As for your new job as a catechist: you do realize that this will mean daily contact with NUU YOIKERS, right? I mean, you did think this through, right?

    • If T&T isn’t thought provoking then NUU YOIKERS are gonna start whistlin’ Dixie — which they just might be pretty soon once I get started with’em! Y’all be perty now, hear!

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