Prayer for Religious Freedom 10

from your provident hand we have received
our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
You have called us as your people and given us
the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God,
and your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, More…

A Little Pre-Election Humor 16

While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator (that may be redundant), was tragically hit by a car and died.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

“Welcome to heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. More…

The Undiscussed “Swing” Issue in the Foreign Policy Debate 15

Lucinda wept, “El doctor me dijo que yo no podría tener más hijos.”

I translated, “The doctor told her she wasn’t allowed to have any more children.”

It was the seventh time I heard those words that day. More…

The Sword of Damocles and Tolerating Political Evil 9

There are two ways to look at the “Tolerance of Political Evil” issue; one is not acceptable, the other is, although it is not optimal for the very reason that it involves the tolerance of evil, which we would prefer not to tolerate at all. I see the Al Smith invitation as an instance of the latter.


An Evening With the Cardinal at the Al Smith Dinner (Not So Grievously Bad) 13

I was going to write my post on the North American Martyrs today (and I probably still will later on… but you know how I am about keeping those sorts of promises), until last night when a friend asked me to share my thoughts on Cardinal Dolan’s inviting President Obama to the Al Smith dinner.

Since this is a touchy subject for many people, I hesitated to write on the topic. I changed my mind, mostly because I could not think of a good way to answer my friend in 140 characters or less (so you can imagine what social format we were using). And now that it’s all over and done with, I think there are a few good points we can take away from it. More…

The Bread and Circus Politics of Big Bird and Planned Parenthood 10

We haven’t heard from the governor any specifics beyond Big Bird [circus] and eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood [bread] in terms of how he pays for that.

THE QUESTION: In what new ways do you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?

After the candidates’ first round in tackling this question, Candy Crowley invites President Obama for a second intervention… More…