Religious freedom movement holding new national rallies June 8 6

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National Catholic RegisterReligious freedom movement holding new national rallies June 8Catholic News AgencyOn June 8, Stand Up For Religious Freedom will hold its second round of national protests against the contraception mandate, continuing the…

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    • I’ll be down in GA (not an allusion to the Charlie Daniels Band) and I’ve been invited to attend a rally in Athens — Where I was born! My parents live outside of Atlanta, so it might be a hike for them, but they’re also the freedom loving type of American citizens that most of us are, so we’ll probably end up at one of these. If I am, I’ll try to bring a video cam. Thanks for the comment! God bless!

  1. Hello Biltrix! Thanks for liking “Our Lady’s Psalter: The Rosary of the Mystery of Christ” over on my blog. I pray your national protests on June 8 have overwhelming numbers of participants. It seems that our governments on both sides of the border have lost their moral compass. Lord, help us.

    • Thanks for the prayers! Our country needs them right now. Scott Walker’s victory in the WI recall election is a good sign of where the pendulum is swinging right now. Let’s hope and pray!

      God bless!

  2. The pendulum always swings back, and I’ve been seeing it swing our way for a while now.

    Spent a little time at a seminary over in Ohio for business, and the young men that were attending there were truly quite impressive….& conservative.

    If the 60’s and 70’s were a time of social strife (and it was mirrored in some ways in some of the clergy at the time), the crop of young men that I see on the horizon is as comforting a sight as any.

    Keep praying…….

    • I can fully agree with your comment, having been a professor in a seminary for the past 15 years. The JPII and BXVI generations are truly dedicated men who love the Church. We owe a lot to these pontiffs for strengthening the identity of the Church and the priesthood despite the crises we’ve witnessed over the past decade, which in many ways are due to weak formation and selection processes up through the 80s. John Paul the second sparked a huge flame in this country with his visit to Denver in 93. It is good to see the fruits. And, as you say, keep praying…

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