Should the Catholic Church Compromise with the UN? 13

What part of "Non-Negotiable" don't you understand?

What part of “Non-Negotiable” don’t you understand?

When the United Nations’ Committee on “the Rights of the Child” insists that the Catholic Church change Canon Law and reinterpret Scripture to conform with its own views on abortion and marriage, what word first comes to mind? More…

Challenges for a Catholic Doctor in the Changing World 14

Fr Joseph Tham, LC, MD, PhD

In this article, I will discuss four challenges that Catholic doctors face in the world today:

1) The secular and Catholic divide that gives rise to two contrasting visions of bioethics: the secular vision based on utilitarianism and materialism, whereas the Catholic vision is based on natural law and human dignity; 2) This divide is most evident in beginning of life issues, on the moral status of the human embryo More…

Plant Personhood? Nuts! Now They’re Saying That Peas Are People Too! 14

You can’t make this stuff up.

Imagine living in fear and uncertainty under the imminent threat that this could happen to you:

Whirled Peas – no pun intended

According to a recent scientific study, peas, that’s right, peas, live in communities, communicate with each other, have memories, and feel stress; therefore, we need to open the discussion concerning the ethical treatment of vegetables. More…

Veritatis Splendor: A Lesson on Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity 1

Fr Jose LaBoy

Freedom of Choice: We are free to choose between x and y. We are not determined to necessarily choose x or y.

When speaking of John Paul II many titles have been used, but one not so frequently used is “the Pope of Freedom.” Ronald D. Lawler remarked that:

One cannot begin to speak of Wojtyla’s ethics without noting his passion for freedom… Wojtyla has lived under totalitarian rule long enough to care deeply for freedom.
