A Tribute to the Angelic Doctor 7

St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (1225-1274)

I woke up this morning, realizing that today is the feast of St Thomas Aquinas, inspired to write a brief panegyric to the great saint and place this blog under his patronage.

Aquinas is best known for his More…

Raise the Bar in 2012 with a Pro-Life Resolution 4

Three Days into the New Year

Statistically, that means most people have caved in on their new years resolutions by now, since 2 out of 3 people break their resolution within 48 hours.

The take away is to make better resolutions, resolutions you can easily keep. This video explains how simply this can be done: More…

High School Kids Get Suspended for… Tebowing? 1

Warning: Kids, do not try this at home, on the bus, or (especially) at school. Remember, this is a highly trained professional athlete.

According to school officials at Riverhead School in Long Island, teens can seriously hurt themselves or others by engaging in activities like this: More…

Five Diversions to Cultural Conversion 6

Two inspiring stories popped up in the Biltirx InBox this week. First, LifeSiteNews.com reports that public awareness has caused Planned Parenthood to lament their worst year in their history. As the article explains, the pro-abortion group has had to admit numerous setbacks, due to growing public awareness about their misuse of funds and attempts to cover up sexual abuse crimes involving minors.

Second, World Net Daily ran a story about a public high-school student in West Virginia who convinced his entire class – including the teacher! – that abortion should be illegal, after watching the now famous 180 video. The high school senior explains: More…